I decided to make two posts on the same class because, while the MP3 discussion is relevant to the class, what makes a good song is relevant to me. As I stated in class, I believe what makes a song good is how it makes the artists and the listener feel. The beat and the lyrics and the soul the artist puts into the song is what creates the feeling. I have listened to songs with great beats and meaningful lyrics but if the artist isn’t feeling it than it’s not a song I feel I can fully enjoy. What makes a song good is not just about musical rules and lyrics and beats separately, its about how all those things make the listener feel. If a beat makes you feel like bopping, and the lyrics make you feel something, be it happiness or sadness, and if you can feel the artists energy, if you listen to a song and it provokes an emotion that is in someway enjoyable to you, then it is a good song.
What Makes a Song Good? April 11
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